The Kragon Syndicate

A Proclamation from the Kragon Syndicate

Hearken, Captains, Commanders, Scientists, Inventors, Engineers, Adventurers, and Laborers of All Stripes,

In an era rife with exploitation and unchecked power, a ray of hope shines through the haze—the Kragon Syndicate reaches out to you.

Members of the Kragon Syndicate navigate this shadowed world not by mere chance, but driven in equal parts by destiny and by the strategic maneuvers of concealed adversaries. In a world layered deep with the secret ambitions of the rich and powerful, our aim transcends mere survival; we champion the flourishing of freedom and ingenuity.

The Kragon Syndicate is an organization for the common man and woman. Those engaged in the operation or support of transport machines, scientists, inventors, engineers, and laborers of all types; we are a fellowship united by a shared mission—to challenge the oppressive chains of industrial moguls, the treachery of corrupt politicians and aristocrats, and the voracious ambitions of ruthless technocrats. Our quest is one of liberation and innovation, committed to a future where all realms of labor are freed from exploitation.

We call upon you, the steadfast and the brave upon whose toils the luxuries of the privileged depend, to rally with us. Together, we can confront the challenges of our world and carve a path to a liberated future where the opportunity to thrive is shared equally by all.

Be it known, our vision is clear, and our determination firm. Those who remain indifferent to tyranny indirectly support it. The very skies, lands, and seas bear witness to the challenges we face — either join us in our cause or find yourselves aligned with those who perpetuate injustice and the furtherance of class-based societies.  Consider this carefully, for the winds of fate are ever-changing, and the path you choose today will shape your tomorrow.

Yours in the quest for freedom and equality,

~The Kragon Syndicate

Join Us In 1894 (2024)

This November, at an annual event known as Teslacon, a diverse assembly of ground, sea, and airship captains, alongside inventors, scientists, adventurers, and laborers of all stripes, will convene to forge a future founded on compassion, equality, justice, and pluralism. Set in the steam-driven heart of innovation, we will unite to strategize, celebrate, and cultivate a world where opportunity and prosperity are shared by all. Embark on this world-building adventure with us and make history during an unforgettable weekend in Madison, WI. Join us as we chart a new course together.

Look for the Kragon teeth to find the Kragon Syndicate's shadowy hideout!

In Shadows, We Strive; In Steam, We Thrive.

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